Thursday, February 18

Repairing The Past.

Luke 19:8 (NIV)~ "If I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."

Zacchaeus discovered that you CANT be right with God until you are first right with those you've hurt. Joseph discovered that being Prime Minister in Egypt doesnt mean much if your family relationships are strained. Relationships are like a house. If you dont maintain it your task wont be to repair it- it will be to rebuild it. We each carry within us the experience of our yesterdays. They influence our relationshihps, our choices, our view of ourselves, even our understanding of God.

You can't live in a spiritually healthy fashion if you have an unrepaired past.

For a long time Jacob lived that way. He took advantage of his brother Esau, manipulating him out of his inheritance. Then when things got bad between them he fled the country. When he returned home, he did so fearing the face of his brother. In his case the relationship was healed but it doesnt always end that way.

Repairing the past is best done immediately. Patching up wounded relationships, dealing with festering regrets, letting go of feelings toward someone who's betrayed you; these issues lie deep within us as if asleep. Then suddenly they're awakened by some "trigger". It could be an anniversary, It could be an old face in the crowd or it could be a particular song on the radio, but they dont go away until we DEAL WITH THEM. How? By forgiving, and when possible making restitution. You see, forgiveness isnt just for the other person's benefit-it's for yours. So, is there a relationship you need to repair today? If so, take care of it!!

Tuesday, February 16

Loving the Unlovable!!


Her Parents didnt want her so at birth they placed her in foster care. Shuffled from place to place, she dreamed of the day they'd return. It never happened. So she lashed out at the world by attempting suicide. Then through a series of events she found her parents again. She lived with them but things were strained. When they told her they wanted to adopt a baby and "start over" she longed to be included. But when she said, "I don't want to be a burden, so maybe I should go," her Dad helped her pack. Cramming her things in a grocery bag, he pressed 10 dollars into her hand and said goodbye.
Today she lives on the street, sleeps in doorways and eats from garbage can. Sadly, her story's not unique. It's been multiplied into infinity. In fact, there's probably somebody just like her in your neighborhood-forgotten, unloved and isolated. They're usually the hardest to reach because they feel unwanted and useless. They wrestle with inferiority, poor self image and lack of self respect.
What do we do? Instead of loving them we label them. Instead of caring we criticize.
What should we do? Open our hearts. Love is much more than shaking hands in church. It takes time to develope and grow. So be gracious. Remember, that tough exterior is just a cover up. Look for new ways to reach out, encourage, and show hurting people you care.


Tuesday, February 9

Know When It's Time...

Some subjects are hard to talk about. Bowing out and passing the torch to someone else, is one of the most difficult. But it is not about YOU--its about God's kingdom!

Stepping down from any position calls for humility. The future of any work depends on it. For 40 years Moses dreamed of leading his people into the Promised Land-but it was not to be. Joshua, his successor, would be the man to fulfill that dream. How did Moses handle it? With grace and dignity, "Joshua...was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses" (Dt 34:9- NIV).
The plan worked, the transition was smooth and the followers immediately transferred their allegiance to Joshua. Why? Because Moses had placed his hands on Joshua and prayed for God's blessing on his leadership. That's leadership in it's finest form and final hour-when it counts the most!
Is it hard to do? Yes, for several reasons:
  • Job Security--"What am I going to do next?"
  • Fear of Retirement--"Me, retire?"
  • Resistance to Change--"The saddle is so comfortable."
  • Self Worth--"This job is my life."
  • Lack of Confidence--"Who else can do this job like I do it?"
  • Love for the Job-- "I really love my job and the people I work with."
  • Loss of investment--"I've put too much into this to let it go."

What is the answer? Rejoice in your God given accomplishments, bow out graciously, bless and assist your successor, and then ask God "WHAT'S NEXT??"

This brief article was take from "The Best of ..the Word for You Today" a daily devotional.

Sunday, January 10

Charisma- A Beneficial Leadership Trait.

One of my New Year's Goals is to keep this blog updated with motivation, insight and encouragement as we move forward to embrace all that 2010 has for us.
We will continue to examine all the traits that make us better leaders in our lives. In the last blog that was posted here we mentioned the number one trait which was Character. Today and the next 7 days we will reflect on this aspect of Charisma.
Some people think that charisma is something that is hard to define or vague. Some think that it is something that you are born with, but I disagree. Charisma is something that can be developed in any one's life. What is Charisma? In a simple definition, Charisma is the ability to draw people to you. To develop into someone who draws others to you incorporate the following into your life.

1. Love Life!
People enjoy leaders who enjoy life. Are you a celebrator or a complainer? People who have charisma are passionate about life.
2. Put A "10" on Every Person's Head!
People/Leaders who have charisma see the best in people. Believe in people it cause the best to come out in them. Appreciate others, encourage others and give them the room to make mistakes because we all do. When you believe in them, they believe in themselves. 1st Corin. 13:7- ever ready to believe the best of every perons..." (Amplied version).
3. Give People HOPE!
Help people believe in their tomorrow. Hope is the ability of seeing a prosperous tomorrow today. Give others Hope and they will be attracted to you. Romans 8:24-"who hopes for what he already has?"
4. Share of Yourself
As you lead others, give of yourself. Share experiences, share wisdom, and share resources. When you think of Charisma simply think what Paul said in Philippians chapter 2:4-" Each of you should look not only to your own interest but also to the interest of others."

Until we meet next week, stay motivated! Stay encouraged! Believe in tomorrow and see it being better than today! Become the Leader that you want to become and start now.