Stepping down from any position calls for humility. The future of any work depends on it. For 40 years Moses dreamed of leading his people into the Promised Land-but it was not to be. Joshua, his successor, would be the man to fulfill that dream. How did Moses handle it? With grace and dignity, "Joshua...was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses" (Dt 34:9- NIV).
The plan worked, the transition was smooth and the followers immediately transferred their allegiance to Joshua. Why? Because Moses had placed his hands on Joshua and prayed for God's blessing on his leadership. That's leadership in it's finest form and final hour-when it counts the most!
Is it hard to do? Yes, for several reasons:
- Job Security--"What am I going to do next?"
- Fear of Retirement--"Me, retire?"
- Resistance to Change--"The saddle is so comfortable."
- Self Worth--"This job is my life."
- Lack of Confidence--"Who else can do this job like I do it?"
- Love for the Job-- "I really love my job and the people I work with."
- Loss of investment--"I've put too much into this to let it go."
What is the answer? Rejoice in your God given accomplishments, bow out graciously, bless and assist your successor, and then ask God "WHAT'S NEXT??"
This brief article was take from "The Best of ..the Word for You Today" a daily devotional.
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